Monday, April 11, 2011

weekend cheating

This weekend, I had a craving for Chipotle. So much so I convinced all of my friends they had cravings too. So we drove about 45 minutes to get to the nearest Chiptole...and surprise..there is an ice cream place right next door (think Coldstone style). So not only did I eat massive amounts of burrito fare, I indulged in some dark chocolate reese's combo ice cream. It made me not want to eat hardly the rest of the day. Someone when I go on a binge, it continues on into the next day...where I went to town at a Breakfast Brunch. Like, really, why can't I control myself haha? Anyways, as long as I keep to my fitness schedule, I am happy. I have been trying to watch what I eat and put into my body in general, but you can't win em all...especially weekends. And what am I going to do now that Easter is coming up?...massive amounts of food seem to correlate with that holiday. Not to mention more chocolate ;)

How am I going to resist?


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