Monday, January 20, 2014

Girls Weekend Winter 2014

This long weekend, Julie, Jenni, Mara, and I got together in NYC for our traditional biannual girls weekend. It was fun, a bit tiring, but was amazing to see them! There is nothing like spending time with 4 true best friends. Friday, we spent the day wandering Central Park and visiting the MoMA.

Friday night we went to a Piano Bar, Brandy's, where we stayed until close. They played the most amazing renditions of classic songs, with each employee of the bar displaying their performing talent. It was truly awe inspiring and their voices were unbelievable. 

Saturday we spent a long time catching up on sleep, but still managed to explore Washington Square Park and enjoy Thai food for dinner in Brooklyn. 

Sunday we went to the 5th annual Gettysburg College MLK weekend bar crawl, reuniting with friends from college. Although the Patriots lost the AFC title game, it was great to see everyone. One of my best friends from high school also happened to be there. It was the most amazing surprise, as I haven't seen her in four years! 

Overall, it was a great weekend and a wonderful start to 2014. 

Sunday, January 5, 2014


This week there has been a snowstorm and below zero temperatures. A cold way to start off 2014. There was a point where we didn't go outside for three days. I was going a bit crazy to say the least. 

Tomorrow is the first full week of work since Dec 20th. It's been a nice couple of weeks off, but I am ready to get back into the swing of things and start off 2014. 

As usual Boston is as pretty as ever. 

Wednesday, January 1, 2014

2013: a photo recap

Happy New Year! I say this every year, but I cannot believe it is 2014.
It sounds so old and futuristic (to me at least). Admittedly, I am not a big fan of New Year's, but I am hoping for a year full of new adventures, health, and happiness. 

For resolutions, I have nothing drastic, but have resolved to travel more and eat better.
I also want to keep my commitment of exercising a few times a week, which I have been good about since March. Here's hoping I can keep it up in 2014. 

Instead of only a list of pictures as usual, I decided to do a flipagram as well for 2013.

Christmas 2013

Christmas was busy, but I was able to spend a lot of time with family. I am desperately trying to "record" more memories...literally and figuratively. Using the app Magisto, I tried to capture each family holiday celebration here. I think they came out pretty well :). Here's to 2014 and making more memories. 

Choiniere Christmas

Britton Christmas

O'Haire/Pfenning Christmas